As its name suggests, Fatty Liver Disease is defined as the accumulation of fat in the liver. While this disease is often associated with excessive alcohol consumption, “Nonalcoholic” Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is associated with Pre-Diabetes (Insulin Resistance), Diabetes, High Triglyceride and Obesity.
In fact, NAFLD is quite common
among those who are overweight or obese.
The liver is responsible for many crucial bodily functions including the processing of the food and liquids we ingest into nutrients that we then use as energy. The liver also filters toxins from our blood as it makes its way from our digestive system to the rest of our body. Over-accumulation of fat in the liver (from being overweight or obese), can cause swelling of the liver and eventually scarring known as Cirrhosis of the liver. Liver cirrhosis, if left untreated appropriately, can result in liver cancer and even full-on liver failure, over time.
How Can Weight Loss Improve Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases?
If you are obese or overweight, weight loss is essential to controlling or reversing fatty liver disease. Weight loss also helps to control and reverse diabetes, pre-diabetes (Insulin Resistance) and high Triglyceride – all contributors to a fatty liver. At Worthy Weight Loss, we use targeted blood tests to screen for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. If present, we prescribe an individualized weight loss plan that helps you lose weight and reverse nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.